Health and Safety Policy Statement
Oracle Precision Ltd, hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’ is committed to the application of the best practicable health and safety standards in all aspects of its business for the benefit of The Company, our employees, customers and the community. The Managing Director has overall responsibility for health and safety within the company. In addition, Managers and Supervisors have a duty to implement the Safety Policy within their area of responsibility.
It is this Company’s policy to do all that is reasonable to prevent personal injury and damage to property and to protect everyone from foreseeable work hazards, insofar as they come into contact with the Company or its products.
In particular, the Company has a responsibility:
To provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions and accept responsibility for any statutory requirements.
To provide training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently
To make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use.
To maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters applicable to the Company’s activates, in particular, by consulting and involving employees of their representatives, wherever possible.
To accept responsibility for the health and safety of people, other than employees, who may be affected by the Company’s work activates.
Employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this safety policy:
By working safely and efficiently, observing all the safety rules appropriate to their job and place of work, and using tools and equipment in a safe manner.
By using protective equipment provided and by meeting statutory obligations.
By reporting incidents that have led, or may lead to injury or damage.
By adhering to the Company procedures, jointly agreed on their behalf for securing a safe workplace.
By assisting in the investigation of accidents, with the object of introducing measures to prevent recurrence.
The Company will provide up to date information on the toxicity and potential hazards of all substances used on or off site. Exposure to such substances will be limited and where necessary, their use monitored, as an ongoing priority. Care will be taken with the introduction of new substances and the risks assessed, as required. The Company is also committed to reducing and controlling potentially hazardous waste from the premises.
This policy, and the way in which it is operating, will be reviewed a minimum of annually or in the light of changes in the organisation, the nature of the work being undertaken, the scale of the activities, information that becomes available and any relevant changes in legislation.
Shaun Palmer
August 2016